Stockport-Berlin poster by Eric Jackson, Statement Artworks

StockportBerlin for web and insta.jpg
StockportBerlin for web and insta.jpg

Stockport-Berlin poster by Eric Jackson, Statement Artworks

from £30.00

At Foodie Friday in Stockport about four months ago, a local DJ on Underbanks, excited by the vibe and the crowds, posted that Stockport was ‘the new Berlin. ‘

When I read it, I was actually in Berlin, so naturally it played havoc with my brain, and this is the result. Oh life is such a cabaret, old chums!

It’s a first, I’m sure - the first German-language poster ever about Stockport! Will there ever be another?

It helps that I’ve also got family in Germany (Hamburg, to be precise), so this is dedicated to the wonderful Tamara, Holly and Johnny. It also helps that I really love Underbanks in Stockport - the new Berlin.

The poster is available at

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